74 thoughts on “OUR OPINION

  1. Yeah, politics are wacky here, but at least they were vibrant. No talkie- no trouble. Blogie no more over there. SHHHHH. Only their voice counts now.

  2. This is something the IV Press does not want. As of today, they have stopped accepting commenting on their article regarding the end to public commenting effective April 1st. And, they are deleting all my posts this morning. My, my…the leaders of IVP, Messr.’s Delaney and Brown certainly have thin skin. That’s ok IVP, take your ball and go home. In the immortal words of “A Few Good Men”…”YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH!” Bravo to the editors of Desert Review who understand the importance of anonymity…after all, if there was no anonymity would the public have ever learned about Watergate, the Pentagon Papers, Iran-Contra, Whitewater, Travelgate, etc.

  3. This is something the IV Press does not want. As of today, they have stopped accepting commenting on their article regarding the end to public commenting effective April 1st. And, they are deleting all my posts this morning. My, my…the leaders of IVP, Messr.’s Delaney and Brown certainly have thin skin. That’s ok IVP, take your ball and go home. In the immortal words of “A Few Good Men”…”YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH!” Bravo to the editors of Desert Review who understand the importance of anonymity…after all, if there was no anonymity would the public have ever learned about Watergate, the Pentagon Papers, Iran-Contra, Whitewater, Travelgate, etc.

  4. Banned as well from IVP for advocating the unseating of political incumbents at IID. Our community needs to boycott the IVP as they have now become a detrimental force in the community that endorses and protects corrupt and ineffective business and political practices in our public agencies against public activism, progress and change. Unseat incumbents at IID in June and demand that IID enhance and enforce the IID governance policy keeping the personal and political conflicts of interest out of the IID business operation and hands out of the public till. Solar Gen 2 Betty……follow the money.

  5. Delaney is wrong! He has used his position to shut down opposition to corrupted community leaders. This Valley has supported IVP for decades and this is how they repay us. Delaney is from the Mid-West and spent a decade in Mexico. He does not know anything about IV Politics, yet he acts like he does. You have been here 1 year Delaney…IVP has gotton worse and now you practically call us a bunch of dummies who can’t decide who to lead us.

  6. Sent this letter to the editor today via IV Pravda website…Any takers on 1,000 to 1 odds they don’t have the courage to print it?

    As of today (March 28, 2012), the Imperial Valley Press has stopped letting people comment on their editorial decision and story to end all public commenting on IVP stories, even though they stated that the last day would be April 1st. This decision has generated a great amount of controversy among online readers and 157 postings were recorded before IVP pulled the plug today. I myself have evidently been permanently banned by Mr.’s Delaney and Brown as none of the comments I attempted to post today regarding this early cutoff were accepted.

    It should not sadden us, but rather frighten us that the IVP does not respect the right of anonymity for people who wish to speak up about wrongdoing or corruption without fear of reprisal. It is disheartening that the IVP would place the interest of its revenue stream from local politicians, boards and businesses above the truth and accountability that the public demands.

    After all, without anonymity, there probably would have been no “deep-throat” or other “anonymous sources” to expose Watergate, the Pentagon Papers, Iran-Contra, Whitewater, Travelgate, etc.

    Without anonymity, there probably would have never been a Bill of Rights in our Constitution. The Anti-Federalist Papers written by anonymous sources in 1787 were published partly in response to the authors concerns that the original Constitution contained no provision for a bill of rights. Writing under names such as “Cato”, “Brutus”, etc., these authors by anonymity gave voice to “we the people” to ensure that we all have a bill of rights. One purported author of some of these articles is Patrick Henry (“Give me liberty, or give me death”).

    This is indeed a sad day in our local community when the public is no longer allowed to speak out without fear of retaliation in order to see the truth come to the light of day. Shame on IVP. This new direction taken by IVP is reminiscent of the Pravda news of the former Soviet Union. Indeed, Stalin, Hitler, Goebbels would all be proud as they clearly understood that if you controlled the news, you control the masses.

    As to whether the IVP will publish this letter at all, let alone prior to April 1st so that others may comment, my “anonymous” sources in Vegas tell me that odds are 1,000 to 1 against it.


    Anonymous Citizen

  7. Wow…Comrades Delaney & Brown over at IV Pravda must really be hoppin mad. They disabled comments on all articles from today and deleted Mary GB’s post as well. Remember the good old days when Brad Jennings at least had the common courtesy to warn you to tone it down or else you would be banned, unlike Comrade Delaney who obviously cannot handle criticism and just arbitrarily bans you.

  8. Well I know this, Betty tells it like it is and isn’t afraid to tell you. I don’t agree with much of it, but I understand why she feels the way she does. Even before Obama the liar came into power I decided to be transparent… I used my full name in the IVPrada and I just went with it…the only thing that bummed me out is that a bunch of snitches would go and cry to my sister about it… especially when I was with KBC. One thing I suggest to the Millers is to ask one of their larger advertisers to flip the bill for an improved website. I want to easily read the old articles about Brawley sports… not just the ones I wrote, but all of them. Being a former history teacher, I love history. Thank you Betty for opening up this forum. Now that you are going to obtain more readership I hope you and Mr. Miller can be truly “Fair and Balanced”. From the Left…From the Middle…and from the Right.

  9. Thank you, Desert-Review. I have a lot of mistrust of your side. I am hopeful when you express this kind of deep understanding of what the ground rules should be.

  10. For the time being, it will be necessary for bloggers to communicate via this site.

    One thing that is clear. It’s not Delaney or Brown who is being pressured to silence the public. As part of their employment, they are expected to support and take the fall for the decisions made by those at the top, Schurz Communications.

    We need to come up with an independent blog site so our voices are not turned on and off like a light switch.

  11. The IVP pulled the rug out from the blogger’s feet by ending the comments before their promised deadline. No surprise there. Schurz Communications is a corporation and thus, is soulless and lack any moral character. Delaney is an out of town carpetbagger with no community ties.

    But Richard Brown’s complicity is a surprise. Through his publishings and written love for his family and community, he appeared to be the only one keeping the IVP somewhat morally grounded. It seems I was wrong.

  12. May I suggest Desert Review that you set up a dynamic election debate section- much of the uprising and debate is over lack of representation, conflicts of interest and corruption of public agencies.
    If you think Kevin Kelley and IID incumbents up for re election had nothing to do with the censorship at IVP you are missing a card or two in your deck. How are you liking Kevin Kelley’s.. transparency now? As the game will evolve IVP has censored public comments stating that it is listening to it’s readership in doing so….after the election they will open up again stating that they are again responding to their readership. SCHURZ sounds faintly facist. I heard rumor IVP and incumbent elected officials up for re election are planning a good old fashioned BBQ and book burning. Be there or be square. Unseat IID incumbents in June and sustain a public outcry for an enhanced and enforced IID governance policy. Time for ratepayers to take back our community owned utility and to right this very strategic public business enterprise. Get the hands and political/personal influence of the Board out of the public’s till.

  13. I’m reposting this because of the comments at the end of the column. Strange how people operate. The usual cast of commenters believe the column is about them, then they start bullying each other. Somehow they always validate the points being made by stepping on their own tails. LOL. Unintentional social experiments rule!~Richard Brown on his FB page after reposting his article about bullying.

  14. I’m reposting this because of the comments at the end of the column. Strange how people operate. The usual cast of commenters believe the column is about them, then they start bullying each other. Somehow they always validate the points being made by stepping on their own tails. LOL. Unintentional social experiments rule!~Richard Brown on his FB page after he posted his bullying story.

  15. Why be critical of others who may have recognized and commented on their own flaws?
    It’s possible the article projected his own inner flaws of not having reached “emotional maturity”, a common trait of a dry alcoholic.

  16. To tell the truth I never used anything that that Rag advertised… I’m not going back to the site now, because I don’t want them to use my viewership for their ad dollars… I like Brownies Dinner though! Good Oatmeal!!! YEAH JUANITA!

  17. MRS. BJM, would you agree that the local Farmhands deserve more than 8 bucks an hour if the IID lowers their rates in an accordance and ratio?

    • Hell Yeah! My Father was a Irrigator for 30 years. He average 2,800 hrs. per year. State Law stated back then that Farmer’s did not have to pay overtime. My Father died in a accident on his way to work months before his could retire and have more time to visit Family in Jalisco, Mexico. Farmhands have always deserved more!

  18. If any of the IV-Press bloggers want to post on IVP FB, I can post for you under my name using your user name. Some cop outted me on IVP anyway.

  19. Posted to IV-Press FB page–

    Why did you end commenting before the deadline? Why did you remove the comments on all articles? Will you post the opinion piece about your decision to ban all comments at IV-Press? If there were so many people opposed to the comment section, why didn’t they write a letter-to-the-editor and sign it? Who are these VIPs?
    Like ·

    Imperial Valley Press Alice, commenting on the site after the opinion piece really got out of hand and we had to anticipate the change. We are looking into other options and hope we can meet the majority of our readers needs with our change. Thanks for the concern and keep reading.
    3 minutes ago · Like

    • Oh, yes. Posters can delete their own posts, too. Jason Jackson after saying he would answer all questions on his page promptly deleted all of mine and his offer.

  20. IVP couldn’t take the continued heat, so they ran out of the kitchen.

    IVP stories begin with a tiny grain of truth, but it’s then up to the reader to find something useful for 15 or so pages of fictious, biased and worthless newsprint.

  21. Point counter point on IVP today, 4/2, regarding ending commentary/free speech reeked of shallow rational.. The IVP’s Delaney’s codescending tone is typical of imported elitists who are smarter than the rest. He is a fraud and sold out to IID incumbents. The move to unseat IID incumbents was the tipping point. It was effective because they couldn’t nullify the movement by politicizing it with tit for tat. Just simply eliminate them all and enhance and enforce IID’s governance policy. It is the ONLY way for the public/ratepayers to begin to take back control of this strategic public business enterprise from board members personal and political conflicts of interest.

  22. RE: IVP IID Energy Trading 4/3
    Kevbo(Rambo)- don’t try to grandstand pal by trying to run the trading desk 24 hours a day it will be a fatal mistake. There is a reason why it is set up like it is. Tell them the truth Dano-the skill set does not reside in the valley and nobody qualified is relocating to the valley without a severance package. It will take 18-24 months to effectively train and build a full department. It really makes much more sense to fix the $10-$20 million in existing operational inefficiencies before you try to expand to more strategic and technical capabilities.

    Although the term hero is often used too loosely these days this Campbell fella was a true survivalist/hero. This guy relocated from far away in 2006 to this treacherous IID work environment. He survived three 2 year management transition cycles and successfully wore whatever hats were asked of him in the process. Then he still survives almost a year and a half in total chaos with Kevin Kelley in the saddle. He returns from vacation in Hawaii, collects his lucrative severance package and gets a pat on the back from the MAN as he walks out the door with that grin on his face before it gets hot. The legend of Mike Campbell or Jack Armstrong the All American Boy. Spend it well ese-you earned it.

    Despite the loss to a 3 vote majority-good vote and great insight Director Hanks. The powers that be are blowing right by IID for lack of vision, a strategy and a plan to deal with renewable energy developments. The flood gates are now open to force right of ways right down our throats bypassing our system and revenue to our region and to IID ratepayers. This poorest of the poor communities deserves better. Unseat IID incumbent Board members this June and demand that IID enhance and enforce a new governance policy. It is the only solution to fixing this incompetency and other related issues and conflicts of interest.

  25. RE:IVP 4/9 Fallowing, Bib Process on IID Agenda
    Trying to re invent the wheel over and over again is an earmark of incompetence. The IID organization passes common policy and procedure decisions to the public for input because they don’t know and don’t want accountability for decisions. What are we now 3 months and still vacilating on procurement policy. Time to vote out incumbents and elect representatives that care more about delivering cost effective services than being re elected. Enhance and enforce
    governance policy and unseat IID incumbents.

  26. Sorry homegirl, but I’ve got to strongly disagree with you on this one.

    We’ve got to move away from leaving important decision to a neverending few, corrupted elected officials and put direct control of our destiny back into the hands of the public. Elected officials continue to be a failure. We need to do something different.

    Read ideas from people like Ross Carne who wrote “The Leaderless Revolution”.

    • It won’t work old girl. we have to build in mechanisms like an enforced and enhanced governance policy which holds IID elected representatives accountable and out of the public till of graft, corruption and personal/political conflicts of interest. If the public runs the show we will fall even further behind than we already are into the dark ages. It’s too slow old girl-progress will move faster than a governing public can.

  27. There’s really not much of a track record to prove us “falling even further behind if the public runs the show”. We’ve only made a few attempts at true Democracy, homegirl; such as, companies who are employee owned and just the opposite, they’ve done very well and have proven to be very successful.

    Admittedly, everyone on the current IID board needs to go, but I’m not so sure filling those seats with a different behind will change the modus operandi.

  28. IVP Probe “Why are some campaign signs coming down and others not”…….these incumbents are so pompous and have such disregard for the community that they dare the public to challenge what they feel is their personal turf just as with their hands in the public till with graft, corruption and conflicts of interest. Audit the previously proposed and now invisible Solar Gen 2 project…….betty follow the money. Unseat IID incumbents in June and the other 3 to follow and demand IID enhance and enforce it’s governance policy. Take our utility back for the people and demand the delivery of cost effective water and electric services to the ratepayers.

  29. In today’s IVP Opinion Section, once again, they are being allowed to blather without any substantiating facts and have virtually removed the ability of those to comment and question their opinions and motives publically. Particularly, their statement regarding Pattern Energy:

    “The Board of Supervisors was elected to look out for the well-being and the economic future of all the county and its residents, and at this juncture in the county’s history, the economic benefit of this project will likely win out.”

    Your failure to detail the economic benefit is telling because there is no real economic benefit for the County and because the only “well being” and “economic future” this project will be benefiting are those in support of this project.

  30. RE:IVP 4/13 IID DIRECTOR MATT DESSERT SAYS HE NO LONGER WORKS FOR COUNTY AGENCY “My time working with the county was very positive”….. not exactly the word on the street. Word on the street was Matto was not well liked at the county even before he was elected to the IID board. Keep an eye on this one ratepayers- after 13 years with the county and now debuting in the private sector Matto may have to make up for a lack of private sector tempo by having to peddle more than whatever his expertise or labor skills may deliver. INFLUENCE. Solar Gen II……Betty follow the money. Enhance and enforce IID’s governance policy. Unseat ALL IID incumbents and take our publicly owned water/electric utility enterprise back from the personal and political conflicts of interest of its board.

    • Matt will need a new wallet. Time to kickback and watch all that Ranchero money come in for a couple of favors and lies. Matt’s moving on up to the East Side. There’s or was a meeting by IID Staff and the Head Honcho from who ever owns IVP. What’s that about? If Dessert was Homeboy…why has kept quiet about IVP’s Facist move? Same for Kelly? Bunch of whimps. That dude with white hair….what’s his take….I know he’s is keeping tabs.

      • Based upon his history Matto will eventually self destruct and splatter against the walls. As for Kevin Kelley his only skill is being elusive and merely surviving to pick up his $240,000 per year until it is done. He has nothing substantive to contribute to the productive future of IID. Unseat all IID incumbents and demand that the IID enhance and enforce its governance policy to keep board members personal and political conflicts of interest out of the IID business operation and out of our public till.

  31. RE: IVP 4/18 “OSIAS UPDATES IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT DIRECTORS, PUBLIC ON WATER TRANSFER”- where is my Homeboy when we finally need him? Folks we now paying an attorney from New Mexico to duel with our paid incumbent California QSA attorneys. Osias seems in sound control of the QSA process- they have however done a very bad job of keeping us informed. Last night went far to rectify unknowns and to provide a more solid vision of progress and results. Osais is so far embedded in the process it would be foolish and extremely expensive to now pull them out and much more productive to get behind them. “Can’t we all just get along” ?????

  32. How about that Mendoza ad in this last of the free speech newspapers in town? You see that other “FISH WRAP” paper down the street- you didn’t have to sell out your journalistic integrity- incumbents and the powers that be would have kept the advertising revenue coming. Es necessario mas grande huevos ese. UNSEAT IID INCUMBENTS IN JUNE AND DEMAND THAT THE IID ENHANCE AND ENFORCE ITS GOVERNANCE POILCY KEEPING THE PERSONAL AND POLITICAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST OF IID BOARD MEMBERS OUT OF THE IID BUSINESS OPERATION AND OUT OF THE PUBLIC TILL.

      • misunderstood- stated that the IVP did not have to ban free speech in order to keep its advertising revenue coming in as you now have the Mendoza ad revenue and free speech. I’m tooting your horn for having journalistic integrity. Ban nothing but vulgarity. Stellas a high paying top dog with advertising right up there along side this brave little papers banner. Let’s hope she loses and leaves a lot of ad revenue back in the community. You have the highest praise.

  33. homegirl wrote: “Osais is so far embedded in the process it would be foolish and extremely expensive to now pull them out and much more productive to get behind them.”

    Actually the best way to compare the removal of Osias and IID’s QSA lawyers would be like pulling a mouth full of rotten teeth..

    painful and expensive? yes… needed and unavoidable?


    • Ok my prince- let’s suppose this is true and Osias is pure charlatan bilking this poorest of the poor communities and providing no benefit or progress toward QSA resolution-talk us through how to sustain momentum while replacing the legal team with an improved team. This again smells of something personal and not rational with you my prince. Let’s hear some business talk from you-talk us through the process of effectively replacing this legal team and being in an equivalent or enhanced legal position when we are done. What and how would you do it?

  34. RE:IVP 4/19 “SOME ALLEGE BROWN ACT VIOLATIONS AT IID;DIRECTOR CALLS FOR INVESTIGATION OF STOLEN EMAIL”…….how blind are we as the general public not to demolish this drastically dysfunctional public business enterprise and start over again with enhanced structure and policies governing this out of control strategic community owned non profit business organization. My God we got the carpetbaggers out of town and now we are worse off pushing, shoving, name calling and clandestine illegal internal operations. Come on folks- the start of the real and long term solution is to unseat all IID incumbent board members-enhance and enforce IIDs governance policy and to get a qualified GM, who can’t be bought by either side, to clean this pig of an organization up.

  35. Totalitarianism… Truth hurts… Watch out for the bogey man… sell outs… religious bigots… Let me go check the IVP and see if they deleted my post

  36. I might be crazy as a bat, but I don’t print stuff written by anti-Latino/white supremacist. I don’t purposely avoid adding the local Mormon Church to the D-R Church data base. I have a decent number of Mormon friends amongst the Brawley High sports community that would like to know who they are dealing with…

  37. Anti Earth Day too… well my message has been read, because under Deanna’s latest article is a “Nice” bio on his college activity. MONEY WINS!

  38. RE: “IID Holds Special Closed Meeting Wednesday” and an IID news blackout in the IVP……
    hang on to your britches………..shes about ready to blow !!!!!!!!!! What the heck expert management and organizational optimization expertise are a dime a dozen- we’ll pick up another warm body down at the donut shop to fill in until after the election.

  39. RE: Report Confirms Truth About Water Transfer Agreement-
    Well we bent them over and at least got the best possible price for the water- that’ll teach them shiney shoed ctiy slickers to mess with the farmer. We shoulda got cash………….

  40. Shissssh- 7 days and counting no IID news in the IVP and after a special closed session meeting of the IID board- it is so quiet you can almost hear a grenade drop………………………..

    • Delaney has done damage to this County that will last decades. I truly hate his actions and I hope God will punish him for it. I will start attacking via Facebook and I hope those “10” or so will join me.
      The guy looks like Goebbels and behaves like it. Heil Hitler!!!

      • He’s just another outsider trying to join the gang and status quo. Doesn’t have a clue about nor cares about the status quo impeding progress, the inherent corruption of the few or the truth. Big fish/small pond focused on the same self interests as the incumbents. It’s a two year life cycle just like other carpetbaggers who meander in and out of town.

  41. Day 10 and no IID news from IVP even after last weeks closed session and even with a former IVP journalist at GM (I am still stunned to this day about that ridiculous APPOINTMENT). Oh I get it – are you trying to put me out of business or to make necessary public scrutiny go away??? Never happen- I’m the kind of girl that actually talks to herself out loud while on long drives and very much enjoys her own company! I only put up with my prince- my homeboy for one reason and one reason only. UNSEAT IID INCUMBENTS IN JUNE AND DEMAND THAT THE IID ENHANCE AND ENFORCE ITS GOVERNANCE POLICY KEEPING THE CONFLICTS OF PERSONAL AND POLITICAL INTEREST OF THE BOARD OUT OF THE PUBLICS POCKET.

  42. Looks as though DR may have succumbed to political pressure on free speech. No ability to post on IID SOC article and one from the day before has disappeared. Hope it ain’t true-if so you were heros to hold out as long as you could with the ruthless self serving elites (incumbents)in this valley. UNSEAT IID INCUMBENTS IN JUNE AND ENHANCE AND ENFORCE IID GOVERNANCE POLICY. TAKE OUR PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY BACK FROM THE PERSONAL AND POLITICAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST OF THE IID BOARD.

    • We love, love, love our bloggers! Even those that…well, we love our bloggers, I’ll leave it at that. One reason is because you keep us on our toes! Our IID SOC front page article inadvertently had the link to the jump page taken off! Go back now. The link is where it was meant to be, the rest of the article is there along with the comment box. And to the article that was taken off…. Homeboy wrote and complained, too. We took it off because it was just on the agenda that was to happen that next meeting, no real news. We took it off to replace it with what really went on at the meeting. Another lesson learned, if there are any blogs on anything, leave it be!

      • Be nice now DR both your site activity and revenue are up. It is all about intent- mine is to support the delivery of cost effective water and electric services to this poorest of the poor communities by creating a structured and optimized IID business operation while also advancing economic diversification in our region. The basis for success in doing so going forward is to UNSEAT IID INCUMBENTS AND TO DEMAND THAT THE IID ENHANCE AND ENFORCE ITS GOVERNANCE POLICY. You have got that Fish Wrap paper down the street on the ropes- keep up the good work!!!!!

  43. RE:IVP 5/12 “OSIAS,DUMARS BOTH TO PRESENT TO IID BOARD” “one side verusus the other” “two opposing lawyers”…….. isn’t it amazing when you actually realize that IID is paying both sides? Yes it will very likely wind up being just another a pissing contest but only for the very obvious reason that there is no management expertise to manage this complicated method of approach to this difficult issue. Good concept using the intellect of contrasting legal perspectives to peer review and navigate progress- but this once again will, more likely than not, end up in pissing the ratepayers money away by a factor of 2 rather than 1. UNSEAT IID INCUMBENTS AND DEMAND THAT THE IID ENHANCE AND ENFORCE ITS GOVERNANCE POLICY TAKING THE PERSONAL ANND POLICTICAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST OF THE IID BOARD OF DIRECTORS OUT OF THE IID BUSINESS OPERATION AND THEIR HANDS OUT OF THE PUBLIC TILL IN THIS POOREST OF THE POOR COMMUNITIES.

  44. Dear Mr. Benson- Reading your advertisement for IID director it looks as though we could be in for a just another re run with you. Your ad indicates that you seem to think that you have the answers before you are even elected and have had time to ask questions, listen and learn. There is much to do here to straighten the IID organization and business operation out and God knows the IID incumbent directors up for re election have had enough time if they were ever going to get the job done. On paper your qualifications look very good and I liked you until I saw your pre conceived/swashbuckling agenda. So let me give you a little advice to help you get elected and to break the cycle of ineffective leadership and vision at IID. Come in to the IID directorship with an open mind so that your intelligence and experience can contribute to the successful change and optimization of the IID. Come in as a positive solution not as another problem. Ask questions, listen, learn and represent ALL the ratepayers leaving the very limited agenda of the Farm Bureau and water interests behind. Our region and ALL the IID ratepayers deserve leadership at IID that has the vision and intelligence to develope and execute a long term strategic plan for the optimization of this strategic public business enterprise, to advance policies for the diversification of our regional economy and for the benefit of ALL the IID ratepayers not just the 10% water interests. My advice to you for the good of our children and the future of our region is to come in with an open mind, be a pragmatist and ask questions, listen and learn before you act. Leave the narrow agenda and your sword at the front door. At this critical time for our all of our futures our region can not afford another re run of the limited vision, lack of expertise and personal/political conflicts of interest within the IID business operation of past leadership.

    I’m telling you it’s more and more like a particularly insulting cartoon everyday. Words, words, words and no action. Hanks has about as much business drafting a transparency plan as he does writing a short story. Get rid of him and all IID incumbents. The only REAL way to begin to fix this backwards organization is to start by ENHANCING AND ENFORCING IID’S GOVERNANCE POLICY PUTTING A MORE STRUCTURED GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK INTO PLACE WHICH BOARD DIRECTORS MUST OPERATE WITHIN. THIS IS THE ONLY EFFECTIVE PLACE TO START TO STRAIGHTEN THIS CROOKED OUTFIT OUT. TRANSPARENCY WILL ALMOST AUTOMATICALLY FOLLOW.

  46. One only has to look closely at the recent renewable deals, look closely at Z Global and its recent contract, the parrallel with the mysteriously disappearing Solar Gen II project and the audited details of those deals and many other deals to find finger prints and Board conflicts of interest throughout. Board members should never be directly involved in influencing or in making business deals or in executing contracts-it only leads to corruption. This is why to clean this mess up on behalf of the ratepayers, no matter which side one sits on, IID’s GOVERNANCE POLICY NEEDS TO BE ENHANCED AND ENFORCED. THE DESIRED TRANSPARENCY WILL ALMOST AUTOMATICALLY FOLLOW AS BOARD MEMBERS WILL NO LONGER HAVE IMMEDIATE INFLUENCE OVER THE IID BUSINESS OPERATION-NOR SHOULD THEY. BOARD MEMBERS HAVE NO BUSINESS DEALING WITH CONTRACTORS OR CONTRACTS ONLY DIRECTING ORGANIZATIONAL VISION, STRATEGIC GOALS AND OBJECTIVES, POLICY AND APPROVING OPERATIONAL BUSINESS AND POLICY BROUGHT FORWARD TO THEM BY THE GENERAL MANAGER FOR THEIR APPROVAL. A weak/tenative and inexperienced GM will not work in the described environment. The leadership of the IID business operation needs vast professional management experience and an experienced operational, less political, character that can compassionately fix the exclusive and unproductive crony culture that nullifies IID’s operational effectiveness and real job satisfation to deserving staff and management. Operational optimization starts with cleaning up HR and the restructuring of HR policy and enforcement of the restructured policy. By industry benchmark-44 HR staff managing the HR for 1300 is 20 too many. The IID general management needs a leader who knows things like this from experience and who has the expertise to fix it. It is a 5 year job to fix this dysfunctional organization politically and operationally once and for all for our poorest of the poor regions. After 100 years we continue to wallow in the continuous negative impacts of short cycle politics and organizational inefficiency because we lack the GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE TO GET THE POLITICS OUT OF THE IID BUSINESS OPERATION. ENCOURAGE OUR RATEPAYERS TO VOTE FOR ANY CANDIDATE THAT ADVOCATES FOR THE ENHANCEMENT AND ENFORCEMENT OF IID’S GOVERNANCE POLICY. I ASSURE YOU THAT A CANDIDATE THAT ADVOCATES FOR ENHANCEMENT AND ENFORCEMENT OF IID’S GOVERNANCE POLICY CAN BE TRUSTED TO LOOK OUT FOR THE PUBLIC GOOD OF THE RATEPAYERS AND OUR REGION AND NOT FOR THE BENEFIT OF THEMSELVES.

    • Thanks coach- got it. When you get more positive cashflow how bout you get this blog up front so it is more active? Very few of my old friends from IVP have come over to regularly partake in your journalistic integrity and free speech. They complain of inactivity/user unfriendliness and I don’t use your blog area much either but to now archive any comments I may want save for future use. May I suggest perhaps soliciting blog input from your readers? Valleyite is full of great ideas and she is not around at all anymore and of course homeboy is always full of advice (although, as you know, you have to filter through his input very carefully for facts).

  47. Sorry we didn’t get a chance to give Mike King positive comments and well wishes by posting to the article. Not your typical hide and go seek guy. A pretty straight shooter after 44 years with regard to taking responsibility for what was his. Best of luck Mike-stay healthy.

  48. No one qualified is coming here without some sort of a substantive garruntee homeboy. The cyclical history here of short commitments to executive management matching 2 year political cycles is too obvious. IID continuously struggles to manage itself due to Professional Skills Atrophy . As a special district, located in a sparsely populated agricultural region, IID demands a highly skilled and technical work force some of which, by the nature of our demographics, currently must be imported. The long term solution to our Professional Skills Atrophy is 1) IID Board intelligence and vision to understand the problem, 2) development of effective professional in rnship programs starting as early as high school and 3) development of continuous and sustained training and education policy and programs for IID staff and management. The start of a new foundation for a more proactive and effective IID business environment is to enhance and enforce IID’s governance policy, enhance and enforce IID’s HR policies and procedures and to hire and commit to a long term contract with an extremely qualified GM to design and implement the organizational and operational optimization of our community owned water and electric utility. It will take wider vision, intelligence and courage from the new IID Board to look beyond the simplistic limitations of boisterous water politics to a wider focus upon fundamental organizational/operational business reform at IID. The reward will be greater and enhanced regional self determination, greater prosperity for OUR public good and a brighter future for OUR children and for OUR entire region.

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